Saturday 28 June 2014

Component 2: Reflections on Science Performance and Experiences Term 2

Termly Science Performance
My target for my term 2 tests is still B3 as I do not have confidence in myself. My plan to achieve my target remains the same as in term 1 . For class tests, I still need to improve on my presentation of my work and be more specific in my answers.

Plasma Ball Activity

The objective of this demonstration is to help the class gain a deeper understanding of the different properties of plasma
This activity was carried out in the classroom by Mr Tan.
I have learnt from this activity that when someone places his hand on the plasma ball, filaments of light will connect to the points in contact with the ball. There is also a field of electricity around the ball as when a lamp is placed near to it. it will light up. 
the thing i liked most about this activity is the experiment where a person stands on a chair with one hand on the ball and the other holding another who is standing on the floor and holding a lamp and the lame lights up. I liked this experiment the most because it seemed almost impossible that the bulb will light up.

Solubility Test

The objective of this activity is to test out the solubility of different substances.
This activity was carried out in the science lab.
From this activity, I have learnt that different substances have different solubilities and the temperature of the solvent also affects the solubility of the solute.
I did not really enjoy this activity because there was much stirring involved and my hand became quite sore at the end of the lesson.

Elements, Mixtures and Compounds

The objective of this activity is to observe the formation of compounds by the bonding of two elements through a chemical process.
This activity was carried out in the lab.
I have learnt from this activity that a compound is formed only when two elements are bonded together by a chemical reaction. If it is not, it is a mixture.
I liked the chemical reaction between the magnesium ribbon and the oxygen in the surrounding air as it produces a bright white light which was quite stunning.

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